Download ApplicationUpdate 50.01.01burn to a CDunzip to a Thumb DriveDownload ApplicationUpdate 33.01.23burn to a CDunzip to a Thumb Drive2018 Gracenote Update Service $45/or/ Include HDD to SSD upgrade $95 totalIf you send us your hard drive we can install the 2018 Gracenote Update for RHB.We will unlock your drive, install the Gracenote update and send the drive backto you by Priority Mail. Price $45.00 for tech time. Or, $95includes the update + transferring your hard drive to an SSD. Emailif interested. (because of the Mitsubishi lock onyour drive, none of this can be done by owner)WARNINGMyGig Updates can corrupt your system's firmware leaving it permanentlyinoperative.
Attempting to install updates over a failing hard driveincreases the risk of damaging your system's firmware because the update maycrash if it cannot write to the hard drive.WARNINGIndependent repair shops should avoid installing MyGig Updates on customersystems. If the installation fails, your customer may expect youto replace their failed system.