A Big Dosage for Short-lived but intense issues: 3 little spoons (12 capsules) twice a day.A Smaller Dosage for Lingering low-grade concerns: 2 little spoons (8 capsules) twice a day.If you are very sensitive to medicines: start out low (1/2 little spoon or 2 capsules) once per day, and raise the dosage each day.We find that people find the right dosage for themselves: what feels good for them and they get the results they are looking for.Your order will last approximately this long:. 100 grams powder (capsules or powder): 8 to 25 days. 200 grams powder (powder only): 19 to 56 days. We believe that anyone should have access to herbs. We let people buy herbs that they have been prescribed to them but we ourselves do not prescribe herbs (unless by consultation).Products described at Eagleherbs.com are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, because only DRUGS can do that. In fact, that’s exactly how the US government defines a drug: it fixes problems.At EagleHerbs, we love the USA, and support the FDA’s goal of protecting consumers. However, this requires that we jump through some verbal hoops here to make legally sanctioned “” claims.
In other words, we can regulate, stimulate, and support internal organs and their functions, but we would never claim to fix specific diseases.Contact us at service@eagleherbs.com. Email is best but you can also call my cell phone at 31O-4O3-7018 or leave a message at 31O-400-O392 (google phone). We accept Credit Cards and Paypal.General Info Categories.
Also known as: Angelica Longana Tea, Bring Back the Spleen Pills IndicationsFatigue, palpitations, poor memory, FunctionsTonifies spleen qi and heart blood DescriptionThis ancient classical formula, available in convenient pill form, treats symptoms of deficiency in both the heart and spleen. This sort of imbalance often arises as a result of excessive thinking or preoccupation and is often referred to as 'student's syndrome.' Symptoms of spleen qi deficiency include fatigue, poor digestion, abdominal distention, loose stools, and pale face. The ingredients used to fortify the spleen are Codonopsis (dang shen), Poria (fu ling), Saussurea (mu xiang), Atractylodes (bai zhu), licorice (gan cao), and Astragalus (huang qi).The symptoms of heart blood deficiency are insomnia, poor memory, restless dreaming, mental restlessness, and dizziness.
These are addressed by the inclusion of Ziziphus seed (suan zao ren), Polygala (yuan zhi), Angelica sinensis (dang gui), and longan fruit (long yan rou).Since a deficiency of spleen qi involves an impairment of the body's ability to assimilate nutrients through digestion, it often leads to a deficiency of blood. Therefore, the qi tonic herbs synergistically assist the blood tonic herbs in enriching the heart blood, another demonstration of the subtle elegance of traditional Chinese herbal medicine.Manufacturer: Lanzhou FociDosage: 8 pills, three times a dayAn herbal remedy specifically for eye and vision problems is detailed next. Read on to learn about remarkable Chinese Vision Pills.For more about traditional Chinese medicine, treatments, cures, beliefs, and other interesting topics, see.