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Dec 2, 2017 - Browse the winners and honorees of Interior Design's 12th annual Best of Year Awards. Project and product winners were announced in New.
Architecture designing app Architecture designing app helps us in creating and analyzing modern and historic monuments on a 360 degree view that helps us to understand the structure clearly and create similar structures with the help of the app.This is a new app but is taking the old market and is really good for development purpose. AutoCad 360 mobile app AutoCad is a term which is not alien to any practicing architect or architecture student any where in the world. AutoCad has completely revolutionized the way field work is done in architecture, and now we have an even better update from the company, AutoCad 360 mobile application. Now perfection in you drawing can be achieved on your palms and is just a click away. Also Read: You can edit your cad drawings on your smartphone or tablet. You can also access your previously saved CAD drawings and the best part is AutoCad 360 works seamlessly on all devices and both 2D and 3D drawings can be viewed and edited, even layers can be set, which automatically makes it one of the best apps for architects and architecture students. For more details about the reviews about this application,.
Steel Shapes (Architect App) There is a very interesting application on market and you don’t look so dumb that you couldn’t make out what it is about from its name; It’s obviously about steel and revolves around information that is available on steel and its products in market. Sometimes an architect or a structure designer have to choose among many available options of steel shapes or sizes and then go for one that possibly might be the best suitable option for the job.
Experienced architects and engineers have learned all of it by heart through experience and do not need this application but for newbies like me it proves to be a boon and saves energy consumed in carrying heavy books on steel design, it is a unique app and gives you access to over 16,000 steel pieces and information related to them. This app gives you a lot of information on steel construction which helps it land in the best architecture apps list, this app is also good for civil engineers and structural engineers. Buildings app Yet another app designed by despark is dedicated solely for architects and architecture students, although this app according to me is of more use to architecture students or bloggers like me rather than practising architects. This app is also sometimes called the encyclopedia of architecture at your fingertips (which is a horrible pet name in comparison to its original app name).
The Buildings app basically uses GPS technology and system to determine your current location and lets you find architectural monuments or landmarks of great importance near your current location. It also has its own database of historic information and about contemporary, conceptual buildings. These features also make it an app of great importance for tourists or people who travel alot. The database on this application is feeded by users themselves and you can even add your own personal projects on – www.OpenBuildings.com Find more information about this app on dedicated to it. ArchiSnapper As the name suggests, this app has been designed especially for working architects, I repeat it is not of much use to architecture students but working architects. This app focuses on cutting down the tedious jobs of handling site reports, site data, analysis, site pictures and other important information about your on-going projects. With this app on your smart phone you can quickly bid good bye to two of your close mates – Paper and Pen, at least for some hectic jobs.
This app allows you to collect data, save pictures, notes about your project and even comments hence cutting down your need for USB drives or cameras which means you can travel light. For more information and to download this app visit. Noteshelf This app without a doubt is one of the best and fun to work on apps I’ve ever encountered (relating to only architecture of course). If you’re a creative guy, you’ll love to work on this app as most of the designers and artists do.
Also, this app will altogether reduce your usage of paper, in turn saving trees, in turn increasing the oxygen level on earth, which obviously is good for my survival (and I highly recommend you to download this app). It is basically a note making app, not the best one for sketching purpose but would do good is your purpose is note making or rough work.
The graphics are high resolution graphics which in turn help you creating visually stunning compositions. You can even choose from a great variety of notebook covers, pens etc and stylise your content even more, and finally, its a really easy to use/handle application. Do try and leave your user comments here. For more information and to download this app visit.
Houzz Interior Design Ideas App Well, architects and architecture students can get lazy at times and may not want to search for a concept or idea or views about a design problem. This app comes to our rescue at times like these. “The Photo Wiki of exterior and interior design” is just the precise explanation of this application Using the HOUZZ app you can browse across more than 4 million images of home design and decor which may assist you in your own design problem.
Ever used a scrapbook to paste the cut-outs of beautiful views of a landscape or interior design etc., if not, the Houzz app has done it for you. Also Read: Apart from scrolling through millions of images you can even join discussions related to architecture with their editorial team or architects or other local designers using this app, and you may even end up meeting a local designer to who may help you realize your design ideas.
This app is available for download on IOS and Android:, Also see this video review on Houzz app interior design app –. Architect’s Formulator This one is my personal favourite and hence tops my list.
Read why – As far as I know, most of the architects and architecture students struggle too much with formulae of different subjects (architectural structures especially). This app here – The Architect’s Formulator not only contains the formulas that would help you clear your structure’s examination but also contains formulae of other fields closely connected to the field of architecture like Acoustics, Plumbing, Carpentry, Electrical fixtures etc. The formulae in this app can also be used with different units apart from the S.I. Units with the available options in this application for architects.
The app contains more than 400 formulae to help you out in various calculative fields of architecture and civil engineering. These formulas can be even saved or E-mailed according to you requirements and the coolest part is that the program also remembers the formulas you use and serves a list recent formulas and your favourites. All these qualities make Architect’s formulator one of the best apps for architects and engineering students. You can find this app on I hope you found this post on architecture designing app useful and informative. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and Subscribe to our blog for more regular updates on all the awesome stuff related to architecture.